There are not many other conditions that can make you feel so self-conscious and uncomfortable than incontinence. This condition can affect both your home and work lives and have a devastating effect on your confidence. Some of the available “solutions”, such as uncomfortable and bulky incontinence underwear, might actually be worse than the original problem. In what follows, we will focus on the Mona Lisa Touch incontinence treatment and how it can provide long improvement of incontinence symptoms.

What Is Incontinence And What Causes It?

Urinary incontinence can occur when the nerves or muscles in someone’s urinary tract no longer work properly, or when the walls of the vagina become atrophied or thin. There are mainly two kinds of urinary incontinence: urge incontinence and stress incontinence.

Urge incontinence, sometimes referred to as an overactive bladder, happens when someone suddenly develops a strong urge to urinate, or when they need to urinate very frequently. Spasms in the bladder could make it hard for these people to reach the toilet before it’s too late.

Stress incontinence happens when your bladder releases urine because of pressure related to, for example, exercising, coughing, sneezing, or laughing.

What Are The Symptoms Of Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence has quite a few unpleasant symptoms. These include suddenly developing an unstoppable urge to urinate. And if one doesn’t make it to the toilet in time, involuntary urination is next on the list. While some people’s bladders might be completely empty without them having any control over it, others experience only small amounts of urine being leaked. Still others experience constant or frequent dribbling of urine. This is caused by the bladder that doesn’t empty completely.

Stress incontinence causes urine leakage the moment the sufferer lifts heavy objects, coughs, sneezes, jumps, or runs.

What Causes Urinary Incontinence?

Incontinence. Hygiene Diapers and Drops of Water


In females, common urinary incontinence causes include menopause-related hormone changes. These can cause weakness in the pelvic floor muscles, while the bladder starts becoming more inelastic. All of these can also lead to a more urgent and/or more frequent need to urinate.

Physical changes related to childbirth or pregnancy can also bring on incontinence. It’s not uncommon for a vaginal delivery to cause damage to pelvic muscles and nerves buy Spotify plays. This often results in stress incontinence and/or an overactive bladder. And hormonal changes during pregnancy, combined with more pressure from the uterus, often result in stress incontinence.

Vaginal dryness also sometimes negatively affects the urethra, i.e. the bladder’s urine outlet. This increases the risk of getting an infection and can increase how frequently you have to urinate.

Surgery is another possible culprit. Some females who have had a prolapse repair or hysterectomy may find that they develop incontinence afterward.

Treating Incontinence

Luckily incontinence can nowadays be treated successfully. Women in particular can undergo effective and safe non-surgical treatments for this condition. One of the safest and least invasive options is a type of laser treatment for incontinence known as the monalisa touch.

The mona lisa touch incontinence procedure can be performed in a doctor’s surgery in less than half an hour and most women enjoy long-lasting relief of symptoms and are able to return to their normal lives without the burden of incontinence dragging them down.

More About The Mona Lisa Procedure

This procedure involves the use of carbon dioxide fractional laser technology. With the help of a hand-held laser probe, targeted and carefully controlled laser pulses are applied to the vaginal canal’s tissue. This creates small, painless micro lesions in the vaginal canal’s surface tissues. These minute wounds then go on to stimulate a process known as neocollagenesis, the medical term for the body’s natural healing response. This in turn leads to an improvement in incontinence.

A monalisa touch treatment involves virtually no downtime and is painless. A typical treatment takes anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes.

How Does The Mona Lisa Procedure Work?

The monalisa touch treatment addresses symptoms of vaginal atrophy such as incontinence, discomfort and/or pain during intercourse, and vaginal dryness. How this treatment provides relief from the above symptoms is by boosting a bodily process commonly referred to as neocollagenesis. As the body starts to heal the small wounds made by the monalisa touch, it naturally starts to generate new elastin and collagen. These two compounds, which occur naturally in healthy skin, support not only skin elasticity but also skin tone. They are also responsible for the underlying skin structure.

The increased production of elastin and collagen helps to strengthen the walls of the vagina, thereby helping to reverse the negative impact of vaginal atrophy. It also helps to enhance the vaginal canal’s tightness. All of this helps to mitigate incontinence, which is caused by tissue laxity in the vaginal canal.

How Effective Is The MonaLisa Touch?

After undergoing a monalisa touch treatment, all the patient is expected to do is to have some patience. The results will start developing naturally after a while. Once the vaginal canal’s tissues have been stimulated, your body will start with its natural response. Every individual responds to a mona lisa procedure in a unique way and the time it takes to see results differs from person to person. Some women report positive improvements virtually overnight, while others have to wait a couple of weeks to see a significant improvement in their incontinence symptoms.

Results will, however, occur. The majority of ladies who undergo mona lisa touch incontinence treatment enjoy notable and long-lasting improvements in their incontinence symptoms. One of the many benefits of undergoing a MonaLisa Touch treatment is that it is not invasive, i.e. there is no need to have surgery. The procedure also does not require you to take off from work and there is no extended recovery period. You can immediately go back to your social or job-related responsibilities. With the mona lisa procedure, there is also no aftercare involved, except that you have to stay away from strenuous exercises and avoid sexual relations for two days after having the treatment.

Is the Monalisa Touch Laser Treatment For Incontinence Right For Me?

Doctor at Medical Office With Patient, Shaking Hands

The Monalisa Touch laser treatment for incontinence offers outstanding improvements in incontinence symptoms. The extent of the improvement, however, depends on how serious your initial symptoms were. Very severe symptoms might necessitate more than one mona lisa touch incontinence session to produce the desired results. On average women need around three monalisa touch treatment sessions to get the results they want.

If your family physician believes that the primary cause of your incontinence problem is vaginal atrophy, the monalisa touch laser treatment for incontinence can be a very effective and yet affordable treatment to help you regain control of not only your bladder but also your self-confidence.


People who suffer from incontinence often feel too shy to discuss the issue with anyone. We hope we have answered most of your questions above, but if you have a nagging question about incontinence that we did not address, you are welcome to leave a comment below and we will try to assist. Of course, our website has a lot of information on how we can help you with incontinence. This is where you will also find our contact details in case you are looking for confidential, expert advice.
